Angar [ Darkelf Wizard] [Level: 11][Rank: ]
Stormcrows Duel Wins: | 0 | Duel Losses: | 0 |
Duel Points: | 0 | Duel Attacks: | 0 | Successfull Attacks: | 0 | Duel Defenses: | 0 | Successful Defenses: | 0 | Arena Casualties: | 0 | Skirmish Casualties: | 0 | Skirmish MVP: | 0 | Career Damage Done: | 0 | Career Damage Taken: | 0 | Career Healing Done: | 0 | Arena MVP: | 0 | Battleground Zones Taken: | 0 | Battleground Kills: | 0 | Battleground MVP: | 0 | The Executor: | 0 | The Terminator: | 0 | The Saviour: | 0 | The Lifegiver: | 0 | The Gladiator: | 0 | |
Duels Last 24 Hours
Attacker | Clan | Defender | Clan | Result |
Armor and Weapons
Where | Item | Bonuses |
Feet | Adventurers Rare Cloth Sandals | AF: 2, Parry: 15, RS: 10, RDPS: 3, INT: 5 | Shoulders | Adventurers Common Cloth Shoulders | AF: 2, Dodge: 5, INT: 5 | Hands | Adventurers Fine Cloth Gloves | AF: 1, Health: 2, RS: 10, INT: 15 | Body | Netherworld Epic Cloth Robe | AF: 5, Health: 8, INT: 10 | Head | Adventurers Fine Cloth Hood | AF: 3, INI: 10, INT: 5 | Legs | Adventurers Rare Cloth Pants | AF: 4, RES: 15, INT: 20 | Mainhand | Netherworld Fine Staff | Parry: 14, RDPS: 11, INT: 10 | Offhand | N/A | |